Mixx Cement – Cement with Style.
Mixx Cement founded by Moya Blight an interior decorator with a passion for cement.
Moya started working with cement in her projects in 1988 and enthusiastically used various cement products, however she soon found that cement coatings were not easy to apply and unless you were a specialist applicator.
Projects continued and Moya learnt all she could about the technicality’s ad chemistry of cement, while soon becoming a specialist in the field and slowly gaining experience and confidence in the mixing of her own products. This ensured that her compounds were easier to apply, while continuing to focus on supreme quality and superior, organic-looking end products. Focusing on her goal to give accessibility to the wonder and exciting finishes cement based formulations have to offer, Moya designed the ultimate product range.
Culminating in years of experimenting, design and experience, Mixx Cement emerged, through the mind and hands of a woman at the coalface. Mixx Cement, the Designer DIY cement coatings company was born in 2016, in its present form.
A team of dedicated, passionate staff and loyal customers continue to see the growth of Mixx Cement as a premium cement coatings organisation. Trust in the fact, that with years of reliability and consistency, Mixx cement is the product range, waiting to adorn your home and office.